Our realistic online exam portal is designed to imitate the real exam conditions. Engaging and intuitive content to make learning fun and more interesting. Anywhere & Anytime
We Believe in ‘Study Smarter’
Highly qualified coaching tutors target is to boost your child’s success in the upcoming exams in the most supportive learning environment.
Parents Trust is Our Guarantee!
Ratings & Reviews
My son now an OC student prepared for thoroughly with available materials found in Excellent massive online tests. Customer service was efficient and welcoming. The tutors were awesome.
Emma Hart, Sydney
Being a migrant recently to Australia and was unsure about taking membership for 6 months. But this was the best investment for my son who never had online coaching before. The testing platform put me at ease.
Ahmed Shezad, Parramatta
I found Excellents training materials to be an added bonus to my childs learning at school. Though it can be initially hard and overwhelming, it was a reliable choice. The subscriptions in worth it. Best Bang fo the buck!
Jonathan Dae, Wollongong
We were late to enrol for the Excellence OC classes. The buying of the DAILY TESTS only was efficient and smooth. Next time I will get the subscription for the Selective school 🙂
Mike Edward, Newcastle
We give your child the best chance of succes!
We give more for less->
Expensive for the quality and material on offer Repeat questions in practice tests Parents loss of time and productivity.
What we give
150+ Practice Tests 60+ Question Categories 300+ tests taken daily 10000+ hours of practice Individual Performance tracking online Detailed explanations to answers where required Full Access to Strategy & Guides 10000+ up-to-date Question Bank. The largest QB.